Today I headed back to the Niagara region to continue the journey on the Bruce Trail. Crossing over the QEW bridge, I continue along a field of tall grasses to a foreboding tunnel. Walking through the tunnel I come to a side road that takes me towards Woodend Conservation area.
The Woodend portion of the trail takes you down the escarpment and follows a path allowing glimpses of the dolomite stone that make up the walls of the escarpment.
The trail circles back up the escarpment and you find yourself passing the parking lot near the Woodend buildings. Parts of these buildings were built in 1931 and 1932 which were eventually incorporated into the buildings now seen today on the property.
Hiking around the buildings the trail winds along the edge of the escarpment as it turns once more. A large dolomite stone has broken off from the rest of the escarpment and sits at the top of the steep hill. As the trail continues it intersects the Paul Naray Silurian loop and follows it along before the loop heads back towards the first parking lot. I take this loop portion back to my car as the sun is about to set.
Another successful day on the trail and another 8km ticked off the list.
I enjoyed reading the narrative that accompanied your photo’s.
Thanks for sharing.
Your photos are gorgeous and the text is a wonderdful side dish. 🙂
Thank you both. I’m working on my writing technique, hoping to get better at it 🙂