Today I detoured off my planned hike and decided to get back to the cascades at Silver Creek with two fully charged batteries. Since I was well prepared I could spend a few hours with this little waterfall. My brother tagged along for the ride and some well deserved time out of the house. Once at the cascades we went our own ways in search of what our eyes would find for us.

Silver Creek Cascades

The most interesting thing for me was the stone bridge over the creek. One does not notice this when driving along the road as it looks as dirt covered as the rest of the it. It is not until you venture down to the creek that you notice the beautiful stonework holding up the road above.

Stone Bridge at Silver Creek

For some reason today I just could not get a good photograph of this cascade. The small details seemed to come out so much better than any wide-angle photographs.

Silver Creek Cascade detail

Sometimes one just has off days and today was one of those for me. One thing to note is that any time it is sunny I seem to have these “off” days. It’s when the dramatic clouds come out to play that I’m at my best 🙂