A friend and I decided to hike to the Dufferin Quarry located in the Toronto section of the Bruce Trail. We headed to the trail with a plan of attack to walk north towards the quarry but soon found that we could not find the entrance to the trail so our next plan of attack was finding parking on the north end. It would be a longer trek south but it was well worth the journey. Different types of mushrooms are starting to make their presence known along the trail.
As we reached the Quarry bridge, turkey vultures flew over our heads. Taking a small side trail revealed a lookout to the quarry and a great view of the bridge.
Below us the quarry was in full swing. Trucks entering and exiting as we stand high above them. The quarry building in the distance has storm clouds looming over it.
Once we had exhausted all the photographic angles we decide to pack up for the day.