Working my way from the Hilton Falls Conservation Area I head north along the trail to once again photograph the Dufferin Quarry . From the parking lot of the conservation area you head along the field before entering the forested part of the trail. The trail turns and heads uphill and leads to an unobstructed view (unless you count the electric wires) toward Rattlesnake Conservation Area.


Back into the forest I’m soon going over a stile and skirting the edge of a golf club and then back into an awkward section of the trail. Scrambling over rocks just outside the club grounds I squeeze myself through a space between a crack in the rock wall and find myself on the roadway leading out of the golf club and onto the road. Another squeeze through a rock wall and around the tree and I’m back on a reasonably squeeze-free trail. As I close in on the quarry I come across an opening in the forest and I finally find my unobstructed view.

View from Above

Another cloudless sky…sigh. Taking a break at the rest area above the quarry I have a snack and take some photos before heading back to the car. I was a lucky hiker on my way back. I found a curious little brownsnake. At first we both startled each other but once I crouched down and stayed pretty still this cute little guy came up for a closer look.

Dekay's Brownsnake

For the life of me though I could not get a photograph of his tongue flicking at the camera lens. No matter what I did it was just too fast for me. Oh well…I did get his mouth open šŸ™‚

You’ll notice that I did not include the photograph of the quarry this time around….just to keep you on your toes.