A mature forest welcomes me in as I head uphill towards its depths. Some of the trees still have leaves that are hanging on for dear life as a wind blows through them. Many of them have lost the battle and lie at my feet as I swish my way through them. I wind my way in and around the trees until I see something red peeking through them. A red barn lies at the top of the hill just to the right of the trail.

Red Barn

The trail soon opens out onto the road and makes its way along Escarpment Sideroad to Airport Road and then onto Finnerty Sideroad. From here the trail follows Innis Lake Road until the road dead ends and enters a forested area heading towards Glen Haffy Conservation Area.

Locked Gate

The trail continues in a mostly straightforward way before going over a stile and turning left. Heading down into a valley the trail turns quickly uphill and opens out onto Coolihans Sideroad.

Shinning Thru the Trees