Recently I have been working southwards in the Iroquoia section of the trail and I’m happy to say I’ve finally hit the Hamilton area. Which is of course not saying much since this section is the second largest section along the trail. I believe at this point I’ve completed about 30%. That means I still have about 90 kilometres left to walk. Wow that’s pretty daunting.
The Trillium photographs I’ve been accumulating on my walks recently have shown these flowers in full bloom. Now these blooms are fading fast and making room for the late spring flowers to take over.
It is sad to see them go so soon but there is not much I can do to make them stay around a little longer. For those that are not aware the brilliant white Trilliums start to turn a lovely shade of pale pink as they fade before finally turning that dark pink you see in the background of the photograph above.
At one point along the trail I noticed a cement structure through the trees and just a little ways done a smaller side path. I’m still not sure what the structure was for but in one of the deep holes I found Santa.
Yup this little wooden santa was only at the bottom of the pit hoping that someone would come save him.