Getting out of bed at 3:45am always seems like the worst idea when the alarm goes off but with sunrise waiting for us I had to drag my butt out of bed. Rousing the team we piled once more into the van and drove out to Halfway Log Dump. Yes, I know kinda a weird name. It comes from the tree mining era when the logs were dumped here before being taken away via ship. The beach is about a one kilometre walk from the parking area. As we walked out of the forest onto the beach we were greeted by a beautiful predawn sky.

Before Sunrise

It was going to be a great sunrise if these orange colours were any indication.

Light of Dawn

One of the things I like to do when shooting sunrises is to look in different directions to see what the light is doing. Just as the sun made its appearance the shoreline turned a beautiful pink.

Tickled Pink

We packed up and headed back to the van shortly after the colours started to wane. Our next stop was to find some orchids that were hiding amid some trees by the roadside. We all took turns photographing these orchids as there were very few of them and they were grouped together.

Showy Lady’s Slipper

Thanks to Ethan for the tip on where to find these. After spending some time here we packed up and headed to town for some breakfast.