Off of New Mountain Road on 3rd line is a small parking area for Bruce Trail hikers. Getting my pack on and my walking stick at the ready I headed southward to hook up with the last area I stopped at. As I hiked in I noticed small patches of snow in amongst the trees. It struck me as odd since I had not yet seen much snow in my area but then again I was north of the city.

Leaf in Snow

Hunting season has started here and it made me wary to be in the woods but I had some brighter colours on since today’s temps were pretty mild. While the majority of this part of trail took was flat I did come to tricky area where I literally had to climb down some of the escarpment in order to continue on. The snow made it a tad more difficult to manoeuvre around.

Snowy Bush

As I turned and headed northward past the car and down New Mountain Road I entered into the next area which took me up and down a few steep wet hills. At the bottom of each hill ran a river which rushed past me on its own journey.

Silver Creek

As I came to a third crossing there was no bridge to help me cross so I was stranded as the river continued on, not bothered that I couldn’t make it across its rapids. At this point I decided to call it a day and head back home.