Okay it is more of a farm than a ranch but this place is one I like to visit a couple times a year – Scottsdale Farm. There is always new and interesting things to see here especially in different seasons. It’s still early spring and since the farm is on the north side of highway 7 it gets more snow then the south side. Don’t ask, it’s just how it is. So anyway, needless to say there is still ice on the creek and some snow can be found in certain areas but overall it just looks brown right now.

Scottsdale Farmhouse

Walking around the back of the homestead lies the barn. I wandered around to one of my favourite spots. The doorway into the barn has such character and the windows always reflect the trees across from it. Usually I’m hooked on the details but this time I wanted to show the facade.

Enter Here

After finishing my exploration of the grounds I decided to drive along the back roads to Silver Creek to see what gem I could find there. I spotted some deer crossing the road but they were to quick for me to get a shot of them. Not too far from the deer sighting I found a small waterfall.

Silver Creek Waterfall

I tried to find a few different angles but ended up liking the detail shot over the full waterfall photograph.