Michelle and I decided to check out a couple of the hiking trails in the park. Our first hike was on the Marsh trail which was a one kilometre boardwalk that weaved its way around, you guessed it, a marsh. The first stop along the trail is a viewing platform that gave clear views in all directions. The marsh was alive with frogs and many little dragonflies which fluttered around while we walked.
The heat started to become unbearable as we slowly made our way to the next viewing platform. After this we were taken into a forested area that eventually lead back to the parking lot. It was nice to get into some air conditioning as we made our way to the next hiking spot. Driving past the lighthouse again the road took us along until we got to Jobes’ Woods Trail. As we approached the trail head we were very disappointed to find the trail closed. At that point we decided to head back to the site and enjoy the rest of our afternoon there. After dinner I rushed down to the rocky beach that was nearby to get some shots of the evening light.
I had apparently missed the actual sunset but it wouldn’t have mattered as we were not in the right position to actually see the sun before it dipped below the horizon. My shooting was short-lived as I went back to the campsite to enjoy the fire we had started prior to dinner. Once the night got darker I thought I would try my luck at some star photography.
After spending about an hour or so here it was time to call it quits and gets some shut eye. I think I still have some more practicing to do on my astrophotography but I believe I will figure it out…one day…hopefully sooner rather than later.