Max and I went out this morning to hunt down some insects. I was pretty stoked to get out to test my macro skills and Max was nice enough to lend me his 105mm macro lens to help me out. Our first stop was Blackwater where we stopped by the side of the road and wandered along the nature trail. I was really good at spotting the little critters and the one below I found on a Queen’s Lace flower but I still haven’t been able to figure out what the heck it is. If anyone knows what it is please let me know – it’s driving me nuts trying to find his name.

Unknown Insect

Unknown Insect

What I was really happy to get a photo of was the little itty bitty frogs that hang out on leaves near the ponds. Course these were found further down the road at a different location which of course I can’t remember the name of (oops).

Gray Treefrog

Gray Treefrog

How cute is that little Gray Treefrog? Max found a couple more for me as we wandered the area. I did go beyond our mission of only shooting insects by getting this shot of a Lesser Yellowlegs in flight.

Lesser Yellowlegs in Flight

Lesser Yellowlegs in Flight

This was the first time I had seen so many of them and actually knew what they were. Max has been teaching me a lot about birds and insects. Just wish he knew the name of the insect at the top of the post. Yup, it’s bothering me that much.