Snow is falling again here and we are told that more is on the way. Winter had been difficult this year with the extreme temperatures and the amount of snow that has fallen so far. I’m already hoping for summer to come quickly but I fear it is still months away. The snow is lightly falling here and an idea pops into my head for a photograph. Late last year I had picked up some candle lanterns from Ikea to use them in a portrait shot with Brad Quarrington Photography. Finding a spot on my front porch I light the candle and put it into the larger of the two lanterns.

A Snowy Winter's Night

A Snowy Winter’s Night

It was tough finding the right spot and angle for the shot. My neighbours are quite close and I wanted to keep any buildings out of it if I could – and I did! One of my favourite evening shots so far this year šŸ˜‰