Max and I went on tour of a few parks along the Lake Ontario shoreline. Our first stop was a park in the Pickering area which I’ve forgotten the name of. This is why I need to keep the GPS on my camera, apparently the memory is failing.
We came across an old picnic table that had been pushed into the waters and was slowly succumbing to the elements.
From here we turned into the forest to walk the trails back to the car. I caught this Robin on a branch over the marsh, he seemed to be protecting something as he twittered away at me.
Our last stop of the day was Lynde Shores. There is a short trail there that has many bird feeders and of course in turn has many birds and some very friendly chipmunks. We came across a bird that you don’t normally see here – a red-tailed hawk.
He sat on a low branch right above the trail preening and watching the crowd gather below him. What a lucky find and a great end to the day!