We were up and raring to go for our final day in the Ottawa Valley. Nigel wanted to visit Fourth Chute and if you’ve been following my blog for awhile we visited this one back in the fall (click here to see that post). The parking lots were snow covered but we found a spot but the chute but had to walk up to the cascade upriver of the falls.

Cascade Above Fourth Chute

Cascade Above Fourth Chute

I love this little cascade more than the waterfall itself. The bonus is the easy access and great views. Fourth Chute was covered with snow and ice which made navigating the strong spots to step a little precarious.

Fourth Chute

Fourth Chute

We spent quite a lot of time here and I tried shooting some panoramas and some detail shots of the icicles. We did eventually have to pack up and head home but with one more pit stop along the 401 – Molson’s Mill. I had read about it in a book and decided it was easy to access, on the way home and not a bad looking mill to boot.

Molson Mill

Molson Mill

As you can see the weather had transitioned quite quickly as we headed south west. I’m actually quite happy it did. I love the blue sky behind the green mill.