With Maine in my rearview mirror it was time to move on and find some new places to photograph in Ontario. My friend Nigel suggested a day trip up to the Apsley area (near Peterborough) to check out a couple of waterfalls. The first one was The Gut. Yup that’s the name of the waterfall. The Gut. It doesn’t even sound like a place you’d want to visit. Really? The Gut? You name a thing of beauty The Gut? I don’t get it but I’m sure there is a reason. Too be honest I don’t even want to know…I think I need to rename it..how about Fairy Waterfall..sounds so much nicer, right?
Okay so I looked it up. You had to know I would. So it comes down to this: no one knows where the name comes from but they speculate that it’s because of the narrowing of the river as it goes through a gorge or from the dangers when it was used for logging. I have to ask, why not change the name then? Apsley Falls? Huh? *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* No? Okay, moving on…
Elliot Falls ( a much nicer name don’t you think?) was our third waterfall of the day. Where’s a photo of the second one you ask? Um..well.. it’s in an awkward spot to photograph so we just moved on. Elliot Falls is a short walk from the parking lot and it’s pretty easy to get up to the river to get some up close and personal shots.
I got down as low as I could to shoot up at the waterfall. It’s not a very tall one but I love the rocks and turns in the river.
Ah…I just love Ontario and it’s hidden gems. You know there will be more to come so stay tuned…