Scott Kelby’s Annual Photowalk was held today and I joined some fellow photogs in Elora, Ontario for the walk. Elora was all dressed up for an annual Halloween parade which meant we had some interesting things to photograph. I’m not sure if this lizard was part of their decoration for the parade or if he’s an art installation. Personally, I think he’s pretty cute.
I particularly like the creepy paper mâché creatures they’ve put up all around town. (If you’re friends with me you know how much I love creepy, horror type stuff). The creature in the photo below was hovering over an artist’s studio door. Not exactly a welcoming site. When leaving the studio it could potentially come to life and jump on you. That would suck. Hehe
Then there were these mushroom type of creatures hanging out in alleys. It reminded me of something that should belong to The Labyrinth or maybe Lord of the Rings. Whoever the artist is I love his work. I must find out who it is that has this amazing imagination.
Okay so his name is Tim Murton (rhymes with Tim Burton…okay that was lame) and he’s dubbed The Monster Guy. While checking out his website I discovered that I need to go back at night – the monsters light up! Check out some of his work at
Put me down for next years Halloween event.