Back on the road again and this time we’re headed from Corner Brook to King’s Point. Before leaving the Corner Brook area we went to check out Lark Harbour, a small cove surrounded by mountains. A small overlook is part of a trail system called Cedar Cove.

Cedar Cove Trail

Cedar Cove Trail

King’s Point is a town north of Springdale in the central part of the island. After checking into our rooms we decided drive up the peninsula before heading to dinner. Heading north we found a couple different rocky beaches before getting into the town of Harry’s Harbour. There we met a gentleman who told us to climb down a short path to a small beach where a sea stack stood with its lone tree.

Harry's Harbour

Harry’s Harbour

We couldn’t believe our luck! After spending about an hour here exploring the beach we knew we had to get back to the hotel to get some dinner in us but as we pulled up we decided to explore the area before the beautiful light vanished for the day.

Fishing Pier

Fishing Pier

The late day sun was spectacular and during dinner a small rain shower appeared and we were shown a double rainbow. I think Newfoundland was tempting us to stay.