The Coldwater Steampunk Festival has been going on for the last seven years and this is my third time visiting. When I was a kid my parents bought property just outside of Coldwater so a lot of summers were spent in proximity to the town with the occasional visit so it’s always a treat to go back, especially for a completely different reason. People from all over and in town come out to have a grand time – some even dress up for the occasion.
Now not everyone has to dress up and if you’re saying “I want to but I have nothing to wear!” – Never Fear! there is much to buy on the main drag so you are ready for next year.
The place also sparks your imagination into all the things you can do. You can buy but you can also create. My favourite place is the vendor areas. There is so much to be inspired by here.
But watch out for dark alleys that may transport you to other worlds!
So if you’re ready to enter the strange and awesome world of Steampunk…
…I hope to see you there.