It’s October 1st and there are still no signs of autumn on the trees. At Killbear the estimate is about 50% colour change but our hikes in the park yielded only green trees with only about 10% change at ground level. We decided to leave the park and take a wide detour on the way home over to Oxtongue River just outside of Algonquin to see if the colours were any better out here. As we arrived it was looking like a pretty green autumn in the park so the hunt for things growing on the forest floor was on. Of course, the first thing I started looking for was mushrooms. It did not take me long to find all sorts – either high up on trees or hidden on the forest floor.
That’s not all you can find on the forest floor this time of year. Even though the leaves are green and the majority are still hanging on to the branches they have lived on all summer long there are some that have fallen. Using my older manual macro lens I created the shot below that focused on the texture of this dried up leaf.
We didn’t stay at Oxtonge River Rapids park too long as we still had over a three hour drive to get home. I hope next year brings us back the colours we know and love in the autumn season. ‘Til next year autumn!