This last day of our trip we headed out early to check out the lighthouse at Lion’s Head and see if we could get a shot of the waves crashing. It was very windy but the waves were not as high as expected. I guess it was just wishful thinking on our part. I now have lots and lots of shots of waves crashing into the beach or the lighthouse. (Delete key is ready

Lions Head Lighthouse

Lions Head Lighthouse

We headed back for breakfast at the B&B before heading out for a hike along the bluff at Lion’s Head.

Lions Head Trail

Lions Head Trail

The first section of the trail was nice and wide with room for lots to hike but eventually that turned into more of the typical Bruce trail type hiking trail.

The Escarpment

The Escarpment

I’m not complaining – look at these fantastic views. From this vantage point we can see Lion’s Head way in the distance.

Sadly after our hike it was time to pack up and go home. We made one last stop. When we stopped at Jones Falls on the way up we had both taken some photos of a large tree. I call it the Grandmother tree or Big Mama. Both of us had decided that we hadn’t done it justice with our original photos so we headed back on the trail to photograph this beautiful tree.

The Grandmother Tree

The Grandmother Tree