I was out for another bike ride along the Humber river trail today and I found these funny little ducks swimming their way upstream, I had to stop and take a look. After a few shots I watched them for awhile before hey swam away, continuing on with their day. Still have no idea what kind of duck they are but I hope to see them again one day.
My friend, Nigel (@nigelbanks57) suggested a walk at Colonel Sam Smith park with one little change. We were both going to use his Fuji cameras rather than me using my Nikon. So off we went with our Fujis in hand to find something to shoot on this sunny day in the park. Heading to a small hidden beach we decided to take a short lunch break.
There were a lot of birds busy doing their day-to-day things but this grackle decided it might be worthwhile to come in for a closer look. Or possibly looking for some crumbs from our sandwiches.
Red-Winged Black Bird
Not to be outdone the red-winged blackbird came by for a visit as well.
Mama and Ducklings
Moving on from the beach we headed down to a a small pond where we spotted this mom with ducklings.
Green Heron
On the other side of the pond we spotted a Green Heron. What a find!
It’s always challenging to switch cameras but I didn’t do too badly. ?
I’m back at the Humber River Recreational Trail today and I’m hoping to find something a little more interesting than I did last week.
I was greeted again by the mallard as I came onto the trail. Maybe I should give him a name so I can greet him next time?
Canada Goose
Canada Goose was not to be outdone, so he ambled up to say “hi” as well.
Cooper’s Hawk
I had a surprise visitor when I headed up the trail on the Humber campus grounds. This gorgeous Cooper’s Hawk was a little too far away for a great photo but I was more than happy to get some shots before he flew away.
I went out for a walk along the Humber River Recreational Trail today. As I started on the trail I was greeted by this beautiful mallard.
This is the extent of the colour I found along the trail other than brown. Loads and loads of brown. As far as the eye can see. That is the problem with the in-between seasons. Just a sea of brown. Did I mention everything was brown? LOL
As I finished up my walk, the mallard and his lady came out to bid me farewell. (She blends in with that sea of brown. Hahaha)