On my way home from my friend Brad’s place up north I decided to drive back to that country road from the previous post to do more of a lifestyle-type shoot with me as the model. It always feels a little weird to photograph yourself and then add in the walking back and forth to the camera in the hopes that a) you got yourself in focus and b) that the angle/position was what I truly wanted.
Autumn Walk
Let’s just say that the above photo took many, many tries before I decided I had enough photos of myself and that one had to be good.
After all that “fun” running back and forth to camera I decided to take some detail shots of the area before I ventured home. One of the things that caught my attention was this leaf sitting on the fence and with a little tweaking I took the photo. It’s one of my favourites from the day.
Fallen Leaf
After leaving this particular back road I continued my drive along some other back roads when found this old shed that had me pulling over and reversing to get a better view.
That late day light looked so good I could not resist stopping for this shot. Today’s backroad adventure has been one of my favourites of the year. There are so many photo opportunities driving along country backroads. I need to do these drives more often.
Another fresh snowfall has hit the city and I snuck out for a quick shoot down in the creek by my home.
Winter Streets
The city always looks so pretty when fresh snow falls, at least until the dirty streets encroach on the beautiful white.
Freshly fallen snow
When I get to the creek it feels ethereal. As though at any moment a fairy or possibly a white rabbit will come and take you through a portal to wonderland.
With the weather still on the warm side, especially for January, I decided to do a photo shoot to show off some of the knitting projects that I had knitted up recently. It was late in the day when I headed over to the park and the light was spectacular.
The Uphill Climb
The first place I choose for a photo was up a small hill not too far from the parking lot. I had brought a remote with me to test out and after a little trial and error I was able to get a whole bunch of shots without having to race back and forth between the spot I choose and the camera.
Dreams of Fall
Before the sun set for the day I hiked over to a small grove of birch trees at the bottom of the hill to get a few more photos.
In the Field
It was a fun afternoon experimenting with the remote and adding myself into the photos for a change.