I’m back in the garden again today and the flowers are blooming. It’s the best time of year – all the colours of the rainbow are starting to appear in the garden.
Tiger Lily closeup
First up is the Tiger Lily. We have a small patch of these lovely ladies on the side of the house. When they show their colours I have to get my camera out to try to get that elusive great shot of them.
Clematis closeup
Then there is the lovely delicate purple clematis vines. Flowers cover the whole wine as it twines around the lattice fence. The luxurious looking flowers, almost velvety to the touch grace us with their presence in the patio garden.
That’s all I have for today but expect to see more soon.
Another neighbourhood walk was on the agenda today and there was so much to photograph. Spring is one of the best times to focus on macro photography. Slap on the macro lens and head out the door to a local park or if you are lucky some neighbours may just have some great flowers for you to photograph.
This lilac bush is on a neighbours front lawn growing through the catwalk fence. This is perfect, as I can spend a lot more time getting shots without looking like some stalker. LOL
For some reason, tulips have started popping up in the creek over the last few years. I love finding out what colours I can find as I walk down the path.
Wild Leek
When I first came across this interesting flower I had no idea what it was. It looked like an onion but it was very large in comparison to what I’m used to seeing. I used the seek app and was informed that it was a wild leek. I have no idea if that’s what it is but I would say there is a good chance.
Today I’m back to my regular walk around the neighbourhood. The autumn colours and the lushness of the creek path make it one of my favourite times of the year to walk here.
Autumn Path
And it looks like we leave autumn as we entered spring – with purple flowers. Chicory seems to be around all summer right into the late autumn months,
What’s new is the purple bell-shaped flower that is growing through the chain-link fences along the catwalk leading to the schoolyard. I’m not sure of its proper name but I love how vibrant the colour is.
Purple Bells
As autumn starts to lead us towards winter I’ll be left without these vibrant colours. Luckily I still have some time before they disappear this year.
You’re probably wondering what I found, aren’t you? Or maybe you remember that all spring I’ve been trying to figure out what the heck these were?
Funky Seed Pod
Well, today I have finally figured it out. This flower, right here, is the culprit.
Common Hounds Tongue
I have posted this flower recently but I didn’t look more closely at it at the time. But today, I found this:
The Nutlets
Yes! I have finally figured out that these little nodules/seed pods are called nutlets and that they belong to the Common Hounds Tongue flower. It took months of searching to figure out what these puppies were but I found it!
I’m so excited! The mystery is solved. I can now move on…or maybe I’ll just take more photo cause they are pretty cool looking.
As I walked through the catwalk from my street to the creek path I was surprised by a little bird that decided to do some acrobatics in the tree beside me.
Just Hanging Around
I have been unable to figure out what type of bird this is. I thought it might be a sparrow but its yellow beak is throwing me off. I couldn’t see the colouring on it’s back so I can only go by it’s beak and head stripes. I still think its a sparrow of some sort but in scouring my books I have had no luck in figuring it out. If you know, please tell me.
After this pleasant surprise, I stuck to my regular shots of flowers.
Dames Rocket
This first bunch is of the pretty little Dames Rocket. They grow everywhere and they grow fairly tall.
Then I found this little buttercup.
Creeping Buttercup
A nice haul for today’s neighbourhood walk. Some new flowers and a spunky little bird. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?