Where Did All The Flowers Go?

How quickly the weekend passes. It’s almost time to go home but before we do we have to hunt down some orchids. I mean, it is one of the main reasons we come up this particular weekend.

Sit for a Spell

Sit for a Spell

Unfortunately high water levels have struck the shorelines of Tobermory this year. Singing Sands beach, where we would find some of our favourite orchids, is water logged.

Instead we choose to hike a section of the Bruce Trail we haven’t tried before in the hopes of finding some flowers hidden among the trees. We lucked out on this decision when we came across trilliums galore in the underbrush.



And just as we thought the trilliums were all we would see, we came across a small bunch of Large Yellow Lady Slippers.

Yellow Lady Slipper

Yellow Lady Slipper

I was so excited to see these little flowers that I couldn’t stop photographing them. They all were still in the early stages of blooming. I’m not sure if that’s because we were further south of Tobermory or at a slightly higher elevation (we were high on the escarpment). Either way I was happy to finally see some orchids this weekend.

Cabot Head Lighthouse with Wolf's Milk flowers

Cabot Head Lighthouse with Wolf’s Milk flowers

We made one final stop after our hike at Cabot Head Lighthouse. This is a favourite spot for some pretty great views of the bay not to mention all the wildflowers that grow here.

Tobermory is one of my favourite places to visit, especially in the spring or fall when less people are visiting. It’s become a popular place in the summer months and who can blame them. It’s one of the prettiest spots around.

A True Ontario Spring

Nothing says Ontario more than the white trillium flower. It is the emblem of Ontario after all. I’m lucky enough to have a few of these beauties in my backyard. They only show themselves briefly in mid spring and if it’s a good year you will see them in abundance when out hiking in the local parks.


They don’t just come in white but occasionally, if you’re lucky, you can find a red trillium, a nodding trillium, a painted trillium or the endangered dropping trillium here in Ontario. I’ve been lucky in my travels to have seen the red trillium and the nodding trillium. Which have you spotted in the wild?