The Blog
The Purples of Spring
Taking a slightly different route on my walk along the neighbourhood creek, I found tiny little purple flowers. They were starting to emerge from their buds, one at a time. The neighbourhood creek is not the only place to find spring flowers. In my backyard, Rockcress...
The Bees are Buzzin’
The apple blossoms are blooming and the bees are busy pollinating. It’s a great time of year! The ground ivy is everywhere and I can’t complain as I walk through a sea of purple on my daily constitutional. After spending a huge position of last year walking around...
I went back to the creek to shoot the tulip again and thought I would show you a coloured version this time. I love how the leaves cradle the bud as it grows bigger.
Things, They Are Growing
Today I'm back to my regular neighbourhood walks. I took the catwalk into the creek path and noticed that the lilac trees were starting to bud. That means spring weather is officially here! On the trail, I found some other spring goodies. The Siberian Squill is a...
A Chilly Mourning Dove
I was spending some time chatting with my mom and dad in the sunroom when my dad spotted them. He had spotted a pair of mourning doves sitting on the plum tree branch just outside the window. I took this photo of one of them as they were enjoying the warm rays...
When Spring Gets Prettier
I discovered a new trail out in Caledon called the Alton Grange Trail. The trail is a short 4-kilometer loop that's definitely on the easy side to hike. It's a beautiful trail and one of my new favourites. At the beginning of the trail, I was feeling all the forest...
Not Just For The Ducks
I'm back at the Humber River Recreational Trail today and I'm hoping to find something a little more interesting than I did last week. I was greeted again by the mallard as I came onto the trail. Maybe I should give him a name so I can greet him next time? Canada...
Just a Couple of Ducks
I went out for a walk along the Humber River Recreational Trail today. As I started on the trail I was greeted by this beautiful mallard. This is the extent of the colour I found along the trail other than brown. Loads and loads of brown. As far as the eye can see....
Moody Skies in the Forks
I went out on a hike with my friend Linda and her dog, Summer. We decided on hiking at Forks of the Credit Conservation Area. When I drove in, I noticed some very strange-looking clouds. They started fading as we hiked, so I stopped at Kettle Lake to get some...