The Grandmother Tree

This last day of our trip we headed out early to check out the lighthouse at Lion’s Head and see if we could get a shot of the waves crashing. It was very windy but the waves were not as high as expected. I guess it was just wishful thinking on our part. I now have lots and lots of shots of waves crashing into the beach or the lighthouse. (Delete key is ready

Lions Head Lighthouse

Lions Head Lighthouse

We headed back for breakfast at the B&B before heading out for a hike along the bluff at Lion’s Head.

Lions Head Trail

Lions Head Trail

The first section of the trail was nice and wide with room for lots to hike but eventually that turned into more of the typical Bruce trail type hiking trail.

The Escarpment

The Escarpment

I’m not complaining – look at these fantastic views. From this vantage point we can see Lion’s Head way in the distance.

Sadly after our hike it was time to pack up and go home. We made one last stop. When we stopped at Jones Falls on the way up we had both taken some photos of a large tree. I call it the Grandmother tree or Big Mama. Both of us had decided that we hadn’t done it justice with our original photos so we headed back on the trail to photograph this beautiful tree.

The Grandmother Tree

The Grandmother Tree

Vine Covered Homes & Waterfalls

Today I headed with my friend Nigel up to Lion’s Head for a weekend adventure on the trails. This three and a half hour drive can be tedious but there are some goodies to photograph along the way.

Abandoned House

Abandoned House

An old abandoned house, on the west side of the highway, has caught my eye a few times but with the fall colours it was hard not to pull over and get some shots. And then I had to try it out in infrared.

Abandoned House IR

Abandoned House IR

Back on the road after getting some shots of the house we decided to stop at Jones Falls in Owen Sound and make our way along the trail to the bottom of the waterfall. Someone had decided to build a little waterfall guardian at its base.



I couldn’t leave you without a photo of the falls so here is a view just off to the side.

Jones Falls

Jones Falls

From here we got back onto the trail and headed back to the car for the final leg of the trip.

A Sunset Cruise

I’m with my friend Nigel on this weekend trip to explore the Bruce and attend the Orchid Festival in Tobermory, Ontario. We’ve decided to go on a sunset cruise with Blue Heron Cruises.  The only time I’ve taken one of the Blue Heron Cruises was to get to Flowerpot Island (which we’re doing tomorrow!) so this will be an interesting experience.

Bruce Escarpment
Bruce Escarpment

As we puttered down the coastline I wondered to myself where the Bruce Trail would be in all this beauty. I know that some of it was along the shoreline and occasionally I would get a glimpse of a possible trail. Hmm…one day soon I will be hiking there.

Cave Mouth
Cave Mouth

When you see a cave, do you wonder what’s inside? Do you want to get over to it and explore more? I wonder if anything lives there – maybe a bat colony? Maybe a bear?

Sunset Cruise
Sunset Cruise

I wanted to capture something a little different during the cruise. I was on a boat after all so why not do a shot through the boat of the other passengers enjoying the sunset. This couple was in the perfect position to allow that sunburst to come through. 

Boat Cruise
Boat Cruise

Look at those lovely colours! We had a great time on the cruise and it was a different way to see things that we might not normally get a chance to see. 

Darkness over Cyprus Lake

I caught a nasty cold towards the end of this week which I thought would put a wrench in my camping weekend in Tobermory, Ontario. Luckily they were calling for a heat wave so I decided to go up and just relax by the lake. I did get out for a short hike on the second day I was there which might have been a little too much for the cold. In the end it was worth the walk and I ended up feeling better by the Sunday drive home.

Cyprus Lake Hiker

Cyprus Lake Hiker

Beautiful views are always to be enjoyed here – and there are many of them to see. The above photograph is on the west end of the lake as I approached the main trail from my campsite. Escarpment WallEscarpment Wall

From here I headed to the Bruce Trail portion of the trail system, hiking along the Horse Lake Trail straight to the waters of Georgian Bay. Along here the Bruce Trail hugs the coast until Loon Lake, 4km further north and south to High Dump campground 11km away. After my 4.5 km hike which took me in a circle past the Grotto and back to the campsite I was ready for a snooze. I may have pushed myself a little too much on that hike but how could I not check out the trails when I made the trip here? It’s one of my favourite campgrounds and I especially love visiting in September when most of the crowds are gone.

I had to rest up because the stars were going to light up the night and I was looking forward to seeing the milky way. I was not disappointed.

Milky Way on Cyprus Lake

Milky Way on Cyprus Lake

Milky Way over Cypress lake

Milky Way over Cypress lake

Unfortunately there was quite a lot of light pollution from those around me so I had to wait it out longer than usual. I think the warm temps were a huge factor in the crowds that decided to camp this year. At least that’s what I’m hoping, which will mean next year there won’t be as many out if the temps stay to the cooler, normal temps of late September.

Tiffany and Sherman

I went out shooting with Roy Ramsay of Outdoor Photography Canada magazine in Hamilton today. We decided that with the heavy rains and the spring runoff we should photograph both Tiffany and Sherman Falls. 

Tifanny Falls

Tifanny Falls

Spring is my favourite time to visit Tiffany Falls as the falls is usually a trickle most of the year but today it was spectacular.  I decided to spend my time here creating more detailed shots of the falls. Although I did take photos of the whole waterfall I really liked the bottom part of the falls.

From here Roy and I went over to Sherman Falls.

Sherman Falls

Sherman Falls

As you can see Sherman is also enjoying the benefits of the larger amount of rain and snow melt. Most of the year Sherman is still quite a sight but today it was trying its best to impress. Luckily the river below the falls is still shallow enough for me to get in and get this shot.

It’s always a fun day out with Roy and today was not a disappointment. Check out Roy’s magazine Outdoor Photography Canada.